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In support of an ever better building construction sector.


Insulate better to consume less.

To be aware of the consequences of global warming is of paramount importance today.​​

A real impact.

The emission of carbon dioxide (CO2), which is the gas most responsible for the greenhouse effect, derives mainly from consumption in buildings for civil use; about 40% of primary energy consumption.


The legislation currently in place considers insulation as a significant phase in the design of buildings, with a view of limiting the energy consumption while reducing economic efforts.


A well insulated building envelope minimizes the energy used, limits waste, increases the efficiency and durability of the living environment. And it reduces emissions.​

Efficient thermal insulation, an active contribution to climate protection. A guaranteed investment.

Proper insulation is the way of the future and is a primary concern for all of us. In fact, that 57% (minimum parameters) of the energy consumed inside the buildings is used for heating, says a lot.


The potential impact that an adequate insulating package can have on energy and economic savings is therefore considerable. Really efficient and effective thermal insulation can allow almost no energy consumption.


In this perspective, energy efficiency is the most accessible and advantageous form of alternative energy.


The application of European Directives and Regulations, goals and objectives.

The Directives relating to construction products and concerning energy efficiency have been subject to continuous evolution. The former were originally created to remove trade barriers in the EU market, but today, with the Construction Product Regulation (CPR), they have turned into dictums regarding the implementation of quality control systems, and performance standards. The latter were born with the growing awareness of global warming and environmental impacts.


Of this second family, the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), which introduced the concept of energy certification of the building as a tool for determining and consequently improving the energy performance of the building itself. This certification includes, among other things, energy performance and relative consumption, indications on the state of the plants installed, the presence or absence of renewable sources (etc.). Its introduction has provided greater transparency, allowing the introduction of incentives and state subsidies for the achievement of threshold values ​​(see legislation below).


In this panorama, insulating products represent, among the various building materials, the most immediate instrument for improving the energy performance of buildings. All the main families of insulating products are subject to a European harmonized standard that establishes the method and frequency of tests which the product has to undergo. This has been established to guarantee the declared performance levels. The maintenance of which is the responsibility of the manufacturer who must issue the DoP (Declaration of Performance), after having subjected the product to tests both internally and externally (issued by recognized certifying bodies).

Insulate efficiently. The legislation in force in Italy.

To limit emissions, in terms of energy efficiency, the European Union issued a directive known as the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (2002/921/ EC), subsequently updated with the Directive 2010/31/EU (EPBD2), which provides for the implementation by Member States of a plan for the improvement of  the efficiency of buildings.


Italy incorporated the indications of the two directives through the DLgs 192/05, the Ministerial decree 63/13 (converted by Law 90/13) and the last, Ministerial Decree of 06/26/2015, which from October 1st, 2015 provides a minimum level of energy performance of buildings in the residential sector, introducing new ways of calculating the energy losses of buildings.


The minimum requirements to be obtained are expressed with the Thermal Transmittance U (W/m2K) value. A given threshold must me obtained for the various components of the heated building envelope (i.e. roofing, walls and floors).

Normativa italiana zone climatiche.png
On the regulatory framework.
For a sustainable future
On the product life cycle.
Its phases and its impact
On Phenolic Foam insulation 
An overview
On thermal insulation.
The regulation of heat transfer
On water vapour diffusion.
How to regulate it
On product application and fixing.
Useful suggestions

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